Monday 5 September 2011

The Inbetweeners Movie

I approached the Inbetweeners movie with a certain amount of trepidation. While being extremely keen to see how these characters and the juvenile comedy which made the series so popular would transfer onto the big screen. The step is never an easy one is extremely difficult one to pull off successfully.

The film pretty much continues from where the series left off, the four central characters are the same, girlfriendless, no hopers as they have always been. The pompous Will, the compulsive liar Jay, simpleton Neil and infuriatingly clueless Simon. The latter’s constant, irritating interaction with women makes you want to reach into the screen and shake him.

The plot is a continuation of the fine tradition of British comedies, which have taken the transition to film. Such as Kevin & Perry Go Large, Mr Bean’s Holiday and the forgettable Are You Being Served: The Movie with the premise of placing all the characters on holiday, a plot device which of course allows whole new avenues for hilarity. Of course The Inbetweeners Movie is better than all of these films. There are numerous funny moments and all the actors while lacking in acting talent make up for it in excellent comic timing.

Its record breaking opening weekend speaks volumes for how popular it is in this country. The transition to America may be a step too far for this heavily British nearly always-inappropriate film. You are left with the impression that more enjoyed would be garnered from watching four episodes back to back of the excellent television series, in a similar way that the Simpsons Movie gave this feeling.

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